More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic

  • Under Eye Wrinkles

The skin around our eyes is thin and delicate, making it more prone to fine lines and wrinkles as we age. Collagen and elastin, which help keep skin plump and elastic, decrease over time, leading to wrinkles. Under-eye wrinkles can be classified as static (always visible) or dynamic (visible only with facial movement).

At La Rose Clinic, we offer advanced treatments to help reduce under-eye wrinkles and restore a youthful, refreshed appearance. Our expert practitioners use state-of-the-art equipment to smooth and rejuvenate the delicate skin around your eyes.

Book your free consultation today to learn how we can help you achieve smoother, younger-looking skin.

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Causes & Risk Factors

Why Do Under Eye Wrinkles Develop?

The eyes are surrounded by some of the thinnest skin on the body, making them particularly susceptible to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. As we age the levels of elastin and collagen found in the dermis begin to drop – these components are responsible for maintaining youthful-looking skin and keeping the elasticity of the skin. With less of these components in the skin, under-eye wrinkles can start to form more easily.

What Can Make Under Eye Wrinkles Worse?

Though wrinkling is a natural part of ageing there are a variety of factors which can accelerate the formation of lines and wrinkles. Smoking, sun damage, and pollution can be very damaging when it comes to skin health. These factors can speed up the ageing process and mean lines and wrinkles form at a younger age and develop into deeper, more noticeable wrinkles.

How Can I Reduce Under Eye Wrinkles?

Although there is no guaranteed way to avoid under eye wrinkles, leading a healthy lifestyle can have a big impact on reducing the severity of wrinkles you may experience. This includes healthy eating, exercise, and avoiding stresses where possible. Avoiding excessive sun exposure, smoking, pollution, and eye straining activities can also help to reduce the severity of under eye wrinkles.

More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic
More Than Just a Beauty Clinic


  • Static Wrinkling

    Static wrinkles are those that can be seen all of the time, even when the facial muscles are relaxed. They can appear as fine lines or wrinkles beneath the eyes and may make the eyes look sunken or more tired.

  • Dynamic Wrinkling

    Dynamic wrinkles are those that can be seen only when the facial muscles contract (when you are smiling or making expressions). These can appear as fine lines and wrinkles underneath and around the eyes.

Treatment Options

Dermal Fillers

Ageing is a natural process that everyone experiences, but factors like sun exposure, stress, environmental influences, and blue light from digital screens can accelerate the signs of ageing.

At La Rose Clinic, we offer cosmetic injectables to help refresh your appearance and smooth away lines and wrinkles, particularly around and under the eyes—without the need for surgery. Our injectables are performed using only the most trusted, genuine, and FDA-approved products, ensuring effective and lasting results for you.

Book your free consultation today to explore how our cosmetic injectables can rejuvenate your skin.

PRP Cellular Matrix

Revitalise your skin with PRP Cellular Matrix at La Rose Clinic. This innovative treatment combines the healing power of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with a hyaluronic acid matrix to boost collagen production, improve hydration, and restore elasticity. Ideal for rejuvenating tired, ageing skin, PRP Cellular Matrix promotes a naturally radiant, youthful glow.